In the News

The latest legal news and deals concluded by the firm.

Track record

Venture Capital

Index Ventures logo

Neptune advised Index Ventures as lead investor in the seed funding of Jump

> May 2022

Growth Capital

Sekoia logo

Neptune advised Sekoia, a European cybersecurity SAAS company, in its first funding round with Omnes Capital, Alliance Entreprendre and BNP Développement

> May 2022

Growth Capital


Neptune advised Highland Europe, lead investor, in Descartes Underwriting’s “C” funding round.

> May 2022

Growth Capital

Neptune advised Intel Capital as investor in Aledia’s “D” funding round.

> May 2021

Legal News

  • Neptune avocats image loi finances 2022

Finance Act for 2022: Main Legal Provision

9 February 2022|Tax|

Finance Act for 2022: Main Legal Provision Extension of the tax allowance on capital gains made by a retiring SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) [...]

  • Abus de droit et réduction de capital

Abuse of Right and Capital Reduction

9 February 2022|Tax|

Since a ruling of the French constitutional judge (« Conseil Constitutionnel ») of 2015, the shares repurchase followed by their cancellation in the framework of a capital reduction non-driven by company losses is treated as a capital gain on securities, which can allow some partners, who can take advantage of tax allowances in connection with the duration of detention, to benefit from a lower taxation compared to a dividend distribution.